Our mechanic career started 37 years ago in the old gas station days. In those days you didn’t buy a bag of chips and a soda at the gas station. What you did get was full service and personal attention: tires checked, windshield washed, oil checked, etc. There was no such thing as self-serve.
If there ever was a problem in Garden Grove or any neighborhood, you went to your local gas station, either for directions, a free map, blue or green-chip stamps, to get your oil and tires checked, or just to have a cup of coffee and talk.
I have always felt like a public servant and have taken this philosophy into the mechanic shop for the last 20 years. At Buddys Auto Tires and More we are not only committed to you for all your needs, but also to service excellence.
6 years ago we received the Holiday Spirit Award by the Orange County Register. Why? An anonymous customer appreciated that, while we repaired her car, we took her to her chemo appointment and waited for her while her car was repaired. In another case, I loaned my personal car to a customer so they would not have to cancel their vacation due to car trouble. Their vehicle was repaired and ready when they came home.
Four out of the last five years we have been voted Auto Shop of the Year. Why? I believe it’s because we still give you old fashion service with the highest technology, we don’t look at you just as a dollar sign.
When you come to Buddys, the waiting room is filled with Recognition Awards and Little League Coaching Trophies for Community Service. These Awards, to me, are priceless.
Community and public service is the premise in which we are founded and is what we still adhere to. This will never change.
I do not call my customers “customers.” I call them friends and family. I talk about them and their activities over dinner, and I’m sure they do the same.
Buddys is into 3rd generation friends. I’ve been invited to and attend many special family events of my friends. I am very fullfiled and proud to be part of their lives.
I welcome YOU to join our family,
Eddie Avalos and Chris Quinn
Owners, Buddys Auto Tires n More